Apuesta360 (Revenue Share)

Apuesta360 affiliate program updated December 09, 2024

ID: 9515
Apuesta360 (Revenue Share)

Map with countries where the Apuesta360 (Revenue Share) affiliate offer works

Available countries for partnerships with Apuesta360 (Revenue Share)

Argentina  - AR Bolivia  - BO Brazil  - BR Chile  - CL Colombia  - CO Ecuador  - EC Falkland Islands  - FK Guyana  - GY Mexico  - MX Paraguay  - PY Peru  - PE Portugal  - PT Suriname  - SR Uruguay  - UY Venezuela  - VE

Traffic Types Apuesta360 (Revenue Share)

Applications/Games in Social Networks Banner Ads Contextual Advertising Doorway Traffic Email Marketing Groups/Communities in Social Networks Mobile Traffic Targeted Social Media Ads Video Traffic Website

Affiliate Table Apuesta360 (Revenue Share)

# Status Title offer Category Paymodel Payment Partner Link
1 Active Registration Gambling / Lotteries CPL 0.0
2 Active Revenue Share Gambling / Lotteries RevShare 40.0 %

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