Zenit affiliate program updated October 14, 2024
ID: 688Map with countries where the Zenit (BR, UZ) - CPA affiliate offer works
# | Status | Title offer | Category | Paymodel | Payment | Partner Link |
1 | Active | Registration | Gambling / Lotteries | CPL | 0.0 | |
2 | Active | First deposit (BL3$) | Gambling / Lotteries | CPA | 20.0 USD | |
3 | Active | First deposit (min. dep) - UZ | Gambling / Lotteries | CPA | 3000.0 RUB |
Zenit is an international company with its head office located in Curacao, offering sports fans and active fans a qualitatively new level of service.
Minimum deposit: BR - Astrapay, PIX 6 reals, Boleto 1 real =0.21$, Humo 113000 uzs, Card 40000 uzs, Uzcard 11300 uzs.
Baseline: BR - 3$ accumulative.
KPI: player activity, more than 50% of redeps.
CR: reg2dep averages 25%.
Test limit: 20 ftd (overflow of more than 30% is not paid).
The best traffic sources: PPC, ASO.
Languages: multilingual landing page.
Number of registration fields: 3.
The advertiser checks the traffic
for fraud, multi-hacking, etc. according to the following parameters:
- Assessment from the security service
- The scheme of behavior of players
- The amount of bets and deposits. In case of violations of the above points,
the advertiser reserves the right not to pay for traffic.